Liberal Whining a Plus for The Donald

There seems to be a paradox amongst some Americans in which folks claim to be sick and tired of hearing liberals whine about Donald Trump, yet they also get a real kick out of it and thus want to perpetuate this system of whining. Hell, even I get a kick out of it and I’m far more liberal than I am conservative!

They say that the more you age the more you collapse towards the middle of the political spectrum in terms of leaning right and left, and I’m beginning to experience this firsthand and understand how it occurs. I don’t think The Donald is doing nearly as bad a job as most of the liberals in the area in which I live in do, but I also don’t think he’s doing nearly as good of a job as some of my family members from Ohio seem to think he’s been doing.

I’ve had the fortune, or misfortune depending on how you view things, to be living in an area of the country that has been rather disappointed with the outcome of each of the past five presidential elections. And what I’ve noticed is that when the Republican Party isn’t in office some of their rage comes out in very ignorant statements such as I heard more than once in southwestern, Virginia, “I’m still not certain Obama isn’t a terrorist,” when he won in 2008.

I listened to an economist named Peter Schiff on The Joe Rogan Experience once and one of his talking points was that a lot of liberals are adults who seemingly never grew up. I can attest to this in many ways as I’ve witnessed a large amount of people long for what I perceive to be a near utopian society that will just never exist in reality. And now that Trump’s in office the Democratic Party seems to be hellbent on finding and nitpicking every little thing he does and it’s petty. Their attitudes and responses to not being in office make them sound like whiny little bitches.

The economy is doing well and the concept behind building a wall along the Mexican border is good in theory, but in my eyes will inevitably fail to fully accomplish what it’s greatest meaning is for in keeping criminals, drugs, and the cartels out of America. While also negatively effecting the US economy in ways that I don’t think have been comprehended yet by The Donald, such as productivity in areas that are currently thriving, albeit quietly, from the labor of illegal immigrants.

We’ve got an entire sector of jobs that illegal immigrants work sometimes six or seven days a week in order to provide for their families and make the lives of American citizens easier. Now the people qualified for those jobs if no illegal aliens are around, are mostly able-bodied teenagers. A lot of these jobs are in landscaping, construction, food service, public works, etc. I feel confident in saying this because I’ve worked a lot of these jobs in my lifetime and with illegal immigrants at that.

However, there seems to be an entitlement issue amongst young Americans today in which they feel that despite the fact that some of them have never before had a job in their lives, that they’re above doing some of these jobs. And additionally, working them for some of the piss poor wages that employers get away with paying these folks because they are here illegally.

I just don’t think my wealthy friend’s kid from the suburbs is going to be able to put his phone down long enough to cut my grass for $12.50 an hour. Which is a wage I would’ve killed for as a teenager mowing lawns. And I can guarantee that same kid won’t whip up a sandwich nearly as well or as quickly as my man, Guillermo, in a deli I once worked in.

But I digress. This isn’t about the wall and it isn’t really even about The Donald. It’s about people and it’s about America. Where I’m from there are a lot of folks who don’t see much of a use for coal in today’s society, but Donald does and that’s a plus for him with Americans in the mid-south or central Pennsylvania where coal is a large source of their economies. States that may not necessarily carry tons of weight within the electoral college, but when combined to go red, will add up for the Oompa Loompa, I mean The Donald.

He has to have the highest television ratings of any US president in history. My parents outwardly despise the man and everything he stands for, yet they constantly have the news on the TV to hate him even more as if it’s cathartic. One way or another I guess we can all be gluttons for abuse and participate in our own punishments. But this phenomena is reminiscent of the following scene from the film Private Parts about Howard Stern’s struggle and rise in network radio.

I mean I actually had the following conversation with my father somewhat recently.

Me: He’s gonna get re-elected.

Dad: I’m going to start fining you five dollars for every time you say that.

Me: Well do I get it back when he wins?

Dad: Yes, but there’s no way he wins 2020.

Me: Pretty sure we all said that back in 2016 and then he went and beat Hilldog.

To some in 2016, voting for the guy from The Apprentice was the lesser of two evils in his battle with an adversary who appeared to be the female version of Frank Underwood from House of Cards.

And much like in 2016, there are people who have been so frustrated by the systems in place and the electoral college that they’ll vote for Donald to prove the system needs drastic changes. Votes coming in for all the wrong reasons in the short-term could possibly be welcomed down the road if and when they create change within the voting systems of today’s America.

But hey, what do I know? I’m just the asshole whose vote is up for grabs between the giant douche and turd sandwich that’ll inevitably be our options in 2020…



PS – When was America ever NOT great?










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